I suddenly rejoined the real world. Come on, boy, think wait a minute, what did I mean "boy"? No, hold on, that's it ... what would any other "girl" do in this situation? Finally, inspiration struck: "Sorry ... jocks just aren't my type." He got a disappointed look on his face and looked as if he was going to try another tactic, but I swiveled on my heel (almost losing my balance in the process) and walked away, noticing that the high heels had added a little extra swing to my hips.

The experience had left my mouth dry, so I got a cup of apple juice and crossed the gym to the bleachers. I sat down, legs crossed at the knees, just like Kathy had instructed me, and started sipping my juice. Looking up from my cup, I saw Susan Parker, dressed as a harem dancer, heading in my direction. Susan and I had bumped into each other before, even though she went to Kennedy High across town. She was a striking brunette, and had been the girlfriend of one of our basketball players ever since our freshman year. The romance had continued after her family moved out of MacArthur's boundaries right before her sophomore year. I saw her at all the games, cheering for her boyfriend, since the yearbook had assigned me to do all the sports photos for the past three years. (I guess they figured I already knew all the players anyway from my tutoring.)


Susan sat down next to me and said, "They told me you go to Kennedy ... I don't remember seeing you on campus. Could I bluff my way out of this as well? "Oh, do you go there too? I guess we don't have any classes together."

"Yeah, I guess." Susan looked skeptical. "Didn't you know this was a costume dance?"

"No." I realized that I was more anonymous than I thought. Maybe I could pull this thing off and get out without anyone knowing I was here. "Nice costume," I remarked, still using my sweet feminine voice.

"Thanks," she said. Then, looking me over, "I'm sure I know you from somewhere. Did we maybe have P.E. together when we were sophomores?"


I almost choked on my apple juice at the thought of being in the same locker room with Susan Parker. “No, I'm pretty sure that's not it," I squeaked out.

She stared at my face for what seemed like an eternity. "You ARE a girl, aren't you?"

"What makes you ask that?"

"I don't know. You COULD be a really cute guy with nice legs who happens to look good in drag." She giggled. "And you're playing along to make your costume more realistic."

"Come on, Susan," I replied. "No guy would DARE come to a dance dressed like this."

"Wait a minute! You called me 'Susan'! I DO know you from somewhere, don't I?"

The jig was up. "Promise you won't tell?"

She crossed her bikini-covered breast. "Cross my heart and hope this falls off."

"O.K. I'm Daniel Nichols."


Her mouth dropped open. "My god! ... No wonder you look so familiar! You're a perfect image of your twin sister, Danielle! Oh, I'm sorry, I heard about her death."

"That's what my sister was saying all day. Look, just call me Danny, O.K.?"

"O.K. 'Danni' with an I." She moved closer so I could hear her over the band without shouting. "You know, you DO look great wearing a mini-skirt and makeup. In fact, if you wanted, you and I could go out sometime as girlfriends!"

"No." Seeing the disappointment in her face, I continued, “I mean, thanks for the compliment, Susan, but tonight's a one time only situation. I only let my sister dress me up like this because I didn't have a costume idea of my



"Well, I think you look great. In fact, I like you better this way. You're not the type of guy that is good to hang around, you know, 'nerdy'." She giggled again. "You may